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How can I benefit from the HD offer?

We provide various programmes in high definition (HD, 720p) on Play SWI. If a programme is available in HD, you'll see an HD button in the video menu bar that enables you to switch to HD. Note: You may experience a delay when switching to HD depending on bandwidth or processor speed.

Can I watch older programmes as well?

Most programmes provided online by SWI are available on an unlimited basis and free of charge.

The video is grainy. Is there something I can do about it?

The quality of some older videos is not good enough to view them in high resolution. Your bandwidth may also not be sufficient to play the video in better quality.

My Internet connection is very slow, can I still watch videos?

Yes. Play SWI provides optimal video quality for the bandwidth available.

Play SWI is not displayed correctly in my browser. What should I do?

As there are many different browser versions, content may be displayed incorrectly in some browsers. Play SWI is optimized for the most frequently used browsers. Use the latest version of one of the following browsers:
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

Can I post the video on Facebook or another social media network?

Yes. Use the share button in the video player and choose the desired platform.

Can I download video files? What format do they have?

Some video files can be downloaded as MPEG-4 video files. For legal reasons, we cannot allow you to download all video files. Please note that the video content can only be downloaded for non-commercial purposes.

How can I change the video player settings?

Start a video and open the settings via the gear symbol in the lower right corner. Like this you can switch off continuous playback or increase the playback speed.

Can I also use shortcuts to control the video player?

Yes. After clicking on the player, the following shortcuts are available for navigation:
  • Interrupt/continue playback: P or Spacebar
  • Rewind 10 seconds: Left arrow
  • Fast-forward 30 seconds: Right arrow
  • Jump forwards or backwards in the video: 0 to 9
  • Restart video: 0
  • Increase volume: +
  • Decrease volume: -
  • Mute: M
  • Return to previous volume after being mute: M
  • Enlarge to full screen: F
  • Back to normal mode: F or ESC
  • Switching between SD/HD quality: Q

When playing a video, errors occur such as a shaky image, short repeated sections, and sudden breaks. Why does this happen?

Different errors related to streaming technology and the Internet provider can occur when playing a video. The main cause is the standard, dynamic switching of bandwidth. The player continually checks the availability of existing bandwidth and updates the streaming quality accordingly. A shaky image or similar behaviour can point to such a switch.

What is the meaning of the small clock icon on the thumbnail image?

With this icon you can add videos to your "watch later" list. If you want to remove a video from the list, simply click on the clock icon again. This function can only be used when personalization is switched on. The list is saved for you personally on the device used and is therefore only available there.

Where can I find videos I have started watching and want to continue now?

The last 20 videos that you haven't watched until the end can be found on the Play SWI homepage. This function can only be used when personalization is switched on. The list is saved for you personally on the device used and is therefore only available there.