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Watch how two Bern astrophysicists are hoping to dig beneath the surface of a comet to find out more about the origins of the solar system.
5 min
Plant breeders, scientists and farmers in Zurich's countryside try to make the case for legume cultivation.
3 min
Climate change is pushing Switzerland to change the way it handles urban flooding. As flood risks grow, cities are implementing innovative ways to mitigate the risks.
3 min
Researchers in Zurich propose using a swarm of small robots instead of a heavy rover for future space missions.
5 min
Some of the most impressive – and surprising – world records held by Swiss engineers, scientists and adventurers.
6 min
Scientists in Switzerland are developing robots that will one day explore the Moon or Mars.
4 min
The 2023 Marcel Benoist Prize was won by Ted Turlings of the University of Neuchâtel for his discoveries in plant communication.
2 min
Studies show an upswing in burn-out symptoms in the Swiss population. Is pressure of work the reason? Experts see other reasons too.
26 min
Many countries in Africa have few practising forensic pathologists. One medical institute in Switzerland is working to change this.
3 min
Researchers at the University of Zurich have found viruses or bacteria in almost all the ticks they have examined.
2 min
For the second time this autumn, the dancing pink, red and purple spectacle lit up the night skies in Switzerland.
26 s
Nach 1920 galt der Wisent in Europa als ausgerottet. Im Kanton Solothurn wird nun mit seiner Wiederansiedlung in der Natur experimentiert.
6 min
The first worldwide study of the giant land snail, which has become a popular pet, has revealed that the invasive species poses a serious threat to human health.
2 min
Records of witchcraft trials in Switzerland give an insight into who was prosecuted.
5 min
Records of witchcraft trials in Switzerland give an insight into who was prosecuted.
4 min
Turtles do not follow the general rule that today’s species are on average larger than their distant ancestors, according to a Swiss-led study.
3 min
Robotics and genetics researchers team up to develop a technique that could change our understanding of the Earth's biodiversity.
4 min
Many users get nauseous when using virtual reality devices. For the metaverse to succeed, tech companies need to fix this problem.
2 min
The World Health Organization (WHO) says it is still looking for the origins of Covid-19 and has launched talks for a pandemic treaty.
11 min
22'000 people have applied to the ESA astronaut programme in 2022. Marco Sieber is one of the five who were selected.
2 min